
The quest for a deliverer – Setting the standard

The book of Judges makes the reality of human depravity and its consequences clear and looks for the answer to this problem in the most unexpected place. For the author of Judges, the solution is not found in human systems and rules or other man-made solutions. The answer lies in a person, a king, who will deal with the problem of sin and depravity. Therefore, it presents us with the judges, or deliverers, individuals who would be a partial answer to the immediate problem, but a foreshadow of the ultimate King and Deliverer.


Psalm 2 – Living Safely before God

f Psalm 1 teaches is about being blessed, Psalm 2 teaches us about being safe. The last verse of Psalm 2 ties the two together, to imply that true blessedness and being safe in your relationship with God are directly related. Together the two psalms form a very fitting introduction to the Book of Psalms. Taking into account the purpose of the Wisdom Literature, namely living wisely as God’s people, we can conclude that not only does it entails continually meditating on God’s Word, but also living safely before God.


Psalm 1 – Living Abundantly Blessed

The Psalmist presents the journey of humanity as a life lived either with wisdom as presented in the Scriptures or one wasted by being a fool, choosing life or death, blessedness or curse. The starting point is only to be found in the words God spoke through His servants who wrote them down. Sin, wickedness, scoffing has no share in the eternal life God wishes to give. It only leads to death and eternal judgment.