Welcome to the 66books Ministries website. 66books started as an apologetics ministry focused on the Afrikaans Christian community. This was done under the Bybelwaarheid name. It later developed to include a broader English base. There is also a need for a holistic approach to the Bible teaching. For this purpose, 66books was started.

66books Ministries currently consists of three divisions, i.e., the main 66books.co.zatruth.66books.co.za and bybelwaarheid.com66books.co.za focuses on teaching the Bible, supplying study material, courses, etc. truth.66books.co.za is the apologetics side and presents arguments against ideas, doctrines, and other relevant issues that go against the clear teachings of Scripture, often using the Bible to underpin the false concepts. Bybelwaarheid.com will then focus entirely on the Afrikaans Christian community, with the same apologetic focus as truth.66books.co.za.

66books Ministries is handled by me, William King. I have completed my theological studies in 1993 at the University of Free State. Currently, I am attending Christ Church Paarl, part of the REACHSA denomination. What follows is an outline of the beliefs that 66books Ministries hold by and will teach and defend.

66books Beliefs

  • 66books believe in the one God, eternal in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one in essence, distinct in three persons. I believe that God Triune has created everything out of nothing and He sovereignly controls His creation.
  • 66books believe the whole of Scripture, Old and New Testament, consisting of the 66 books, is the God-breathed, infallible, sufficient, and flawless Word of God. This Word of God is the final authority in matters of life and faith.
  • 66books believe man was created in the image of God. With the sin of Adam and Eve, all of humanity is physically and spiritually subjected to death as judgment on sin. Man has since been immersed in sin and alienated from God without the ability to recover from his own. 
  • 66books believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • 66books believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was fully and simultaneously God and man.
  • 66books believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was sinless in His humanity; that He died for the sin of man on the cross and so bore the righteous judgment of God over sin. Through this act of reconciliation, He made it possible for man to be justified by faith in his substitute death.
  • 66books believe that the Lord Jesus Christ rose physically from the dead on the third day and conquered death as a judgment on sin.
  • 66books believe that the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens to sit at the right hand of God the Father, where He intercedes as High Priest and Advocate for all who believe in Him.
  • 66books believe that anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, without any merit from himself, are born again by the Holy Spirit and have the privilege to be called a child of God.
  • 66books believe that through this act of rebirth through the Holy Spirit the child of God becomes part of the one true Church, the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit lives in the midst of the Church and gives gifts to believers according to his will and equips them for service and a holy life.
  • 66books believe in the physical resurrection of man. 
  • 66books believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to judge the whole of humanity.
  • 66books believe that those who trust in the salvation wrought by the Lord Jesus Christ will be in with Him forever, enjoying everlasting life in His presence.
  • 66books believe that those who rejected salvation in and through the Lord Jesus Christ will be in hell forever after death and final judgment.

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