The hardship of life – tasting the sweet and bitter
I am sure you will all agree that no-one plans a life of hardship. We all hope for a life free of pain and agony. However, life is not a smooth journey.
I am sure you will all agree that no-one plans a life of hardship. We all hope for a life free of pain and agony. However, life is not a smooth journey.
There is a sense of urgency in this letter of Jude. It is evident from his language that there is a real threat to the Church and the believers.
There is a constant attack on the truth of the Gospel. This has been the reality for the church ever since its inception.
It is the Christmas season, and I find it difficult to see the Christ of the Bible presented to us. What I find particularly disturbing, is that it seems that even Christians at this time of the calendar succumb to a worldly view of Christ.
While orthodox Christianity holds firmly to the Doctrine of the Trinity as an essential Christian teaching, there are those who deny it outright.
The divinity of Christ is a theme over which major theological battles have been fought.Even in our current theological climate this truth is denied.
The patristic rule stated that the genealogy was always recorded from the father’s bloodline and not the mother’s. Luke honors that, but includes that of Mary.
The idea that Jesus’ mother was a virgin when He was born, is difficult to grasp. Medically speaking you need a man and a woman to have a baby.
In this article I would like to focus on an aspect of the virgin birth that we easily overlook if we do not pay attention to the genealogy of Jesus.
Taking up the challenge of transferring doctrine to the next generation is a huge responsibility and not something to be taken lightly.